Uses of Interface

Packages that use Table
net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern The pattern package This package contains a set of design patterns implemented with the JaxMe JavaSource generator framework.  
net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 DB2 support for the SQL generator This package contains some classes and interfaces enhancing the SQL generator with DB2 specific features.  
net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb HsqlDb support for the SQL generator This package contains some classes and interfaces enhancing the SQL generator with HsqlDb specific features.  

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.js.junit

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.junit that return Table
protected  Table VersionTest.getMainTable()
protected  Table VersionTest.getSubTable()
protected  Table VersionTest.getSubSubTable()

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern that return Table
 Table VersionGenerator.TableInfo.getTable()

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern with parameters of type Table
 void VersionGenerator.addTable(Table pTable, VersionGenerator.ColumnUpdater pUpdater)
          Adds a new table to the list of tables.

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls that return Table
 Table TableReference.getTable()
          Returns the referenced Table.
 Table Schema.newTable(java.lang.String pName)
          Creates a new table with the given name in the schema.
 Table Schema.newTable(Table.Name pName)
          Creates a new table with the given name in the schema.
 Table Schema.getTable(Table.Name pName)
          Returns the table with the given name or null, if no such table exists in the schema.
 Table Schema.getTable(java.lang.String pName)
          Returns the table with the given name or null, if no such table exists in the schema.
 Table ForeignKey.getReferencedTable()
          Returns the referenced table.
 Table ColumnSet.getTable()
          Returns the table on which the foreign key is defined.
 Table Column.getTable()
          Returns the columns table.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls with parameters of type Table
 ForeignKey Table.newForeignKey(Table pReferencedTable)
          Creates a new foreign key referencing the given table.
 TableReference Statement.setTable(Table pTable)
          Sets the table, for which the statement applies and returns a reference to the table.
 java.util.Collection SQLGenerator.getCreate(Table pTable)
          Generates a CREATE TABLE statement.
 java.util.Collection SQLGenerator.getCreate(Table pTable, boolean pAll)
          Generates CREATE statements for the table.
 java.util.Collection SQLGenerator.getDrop(Table pTable)
          Generates a DROP TABLE statement.
 java.util.Collection SQLGenerator.getDrop(Table pTable, boolean pAll)
          Generates DROP statements for the table.
 JoinReference SelectTableReference.join(Table pTable)
          Indicates that the referenced table shall be joined with the given table pTable and returns a reference to that table.
 JoinReference SelectTableReference.leftOuterJoin(Table pTable)
          Indicates that the referenced table shall be joined in a left outer join with the given table pTable and returns a reference to that table.

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2

Subinterfaces of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2
 interface DB2Table
          Interface of a table in a DB2 database.

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 that implement Table
 class DB2TableImpl
          Default implementation of a table in a DB2 database.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 that return Table
 Table DB2SQLFactoryImpl.newTableImpl(Schema pSchema, Table.Name pName)

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 with parameters of type Table
protected  java.lang.String DB2SQLGeneratorImpl.getCreateTableHeader(Table pTable)
 Column DB2SQLFactoryImpl.newColumn(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 with parameters of type Table
DB2ColumnImpl(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb

Subinterfaces of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb
 interface HsqlDbTable
          Interface of a table in a HsqlDb database.

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb that implement Table
 class HsqlDbTableImpl
          Default implementation of a table in a HsqlDb database.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb that return Table
 Table HsqlDbSQLFactoryImpl.newTableImpl(Schema pSchema, Table.Name pName)

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb with parameters of type Table
protected  java.lang.String HsqlDbSQLGeneratorImpl.getCreateTableHeader(Table pTable)
 Column HsqlDbSQLFactoryImpl.newColumn(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.hsqldb with parameters of type Table
HsqlDbColumnImpl(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.impl

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.impl that implement Table
 class TableImpl

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.impl that return Table
 Table TableReferenceImpl.getTable()
protected  Table SQLFactoryImpl.newTableImpl(Schema pSchema, Table.Name pName)
 Table SchemaImpl.newTable(java.lang.String pName)
 Table SchemaImpl.newTable(Table.Name pName)
 Table SchemaImpl.getTable(Table.Name pName)
 Table SchemaImpl.getTable(java.lang.String pName)
 Table ForeignKeyImpl.getReferencedTable()
 Table ColumnSetImpl.getTable()
 Table ColumnImpl.getTable()

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.impl with parameters of type Table
 ForeignKey TableImpl.newForeignKey(Table pTable)
protected  TableReference StatementImpl.newTableReference(Table pTable)
 TableReference StatementImpl.setTable(Table pTable)
protected  java.lang.String SQLGeneratorImpl.createPrimaryKeyAsPartOfCreateTable(Table pTable)
protected  java.lang.String SQLGeneratorImpl.getCreateTableHeader(Table pTable)
 java.util.Collection SQLGeneratorImpl.getCreate(Table pTable)
 java.util.Collection SQLGeneratorImpl.getDrop(Table pTable)
 java.util.Collection SQLGeneratorImpl.getCreate(Table pTable, boolean pAll)
 java.util.Collection SQLGeneratorImpl.getDrop(Table pTable, boolean pAll)
protected  Column SQLFactoryImpl.newColumnImpl(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)
 JoinReference SelectTableReferenceImpl.join(Table pTable)
 JoinReference SelectTableReferenceImpl.leftOuterJoin(Table pTable)
protected  TableReference SelectStatementImpl.newTableReference(Table pTable)

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.impl with parameters of type Table
SelectTableReferenceImpl(SelectStatement pStatement, Table pTable)
          Creates a new instance of SelectTableReferenceImpl referencing the given SelectStatement.
JoinReferenceImpl(SelectTableReference pLeftTableReference, Table pRightTable, boolean pOuterJoin)
          Creates a new instance of JoinReferenceImpl.
ForeignKeyImpl(Table pTable, Table pReferencedTable)
ColumnSetImpl(Table pTable)
ColumnImpl(Table pTable, Column.Name pName, Column.Type pType)

Uses of Table in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.junit

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.junit that return Table
protected  Table CreateTest.getBasicTable()
          Creates a basic table
protected  Table CreateTest.getPrimaryKeyTable()
          Creates a table with primary key
protected  Table CreateTest.getForeignKeyTable(Table pTable)
protected  Table CreateTest.getComposedKeyTable()
          Creates a table with a composed primary key.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.sqls.junit with parameters of type Table
protected  Table CreateTest.getForeignKeyTable(Table pTable)