Interface JoinReference

All Superinterfaces:
SelectTableReference, TableReference
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JoinReference
extends SelectTableReference

This interface allows to specify join constraints.

Jochen Wiedmann

Method Summary
 SelectTableReference getLeftJoinedTableReference()
          If this is a left join or a left outer join: Returns the joins left table.
 CombinedConstraint getOn()
          Returns the references ON condition, if any.
 boolean isJoin()
          Returns whether this is a left join, as created by SelectTableReference.join(Table).
 boolean isLeftOuterJoin()
          Returns whether this is a left outer join, as created by SelectTableReference.leftOuterJoin(Table).
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jaxme.sqls.SelectTableReference
getRightJoinedTableReference, getSelectStatement, join, leftOuterJoin
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jaxme.sqls.TableReference
getAlias, getStatement, getTable, newColumnReference, newColumnReference, newColumnReference, setAlias, setAlias

Method Detail


public boolean isJoin()

Returns whether this is a left join, as created by SelectTableReference.join(Table).


public boolean isLeftOuterJoin()

Returns whether this is a left outer join, as created by SelectTableReference.leftOuterJoin(Table).


public SelectTableReference getLeftJoinedTableReference()

If this is a left join or a left outer join: Returns the joins left table.


public CombinedConstraint getOn()

Returns the references ON condition, if any. The method result is a combined constraint with CombinedConstraint.getType() == CombinedConstraint.Type.AND.