Package net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2

DB2 support for the SQL generator This package contains some classes and interfaces enhancing the SQL generator with DB2 specific features.


Interface Summary
BufferPool Interface of a DB2 BufferPool.
DB2Column Interface of a column in a DB2 database.
DB2Schema Interface of a schema in a DB2 database.
DB2SQLFactory Interface of an SQL factory for DB2 databases.
DB2SQLGenerator Interface of an SQL generator for DB2 databases.
DB2Table Interface of a table in a DB2 database.
TableSpace Interface of a DB2 TableSpace.
TableSpace.Container Interface of a TableSpace Container.
TableSpace.DatabaseManagedContainer Interface of a database managed container.
TableSpace.SystemManagedContainer Interface of a system managed container, aka operating system file.

Class Summary
DB2ColumnImpl Default implementation of a column in a DB2 database.
DB2SchemaImpl Default implementation of a schema in a DB2 database.
DB2SQLFactoryImpl Default implementation of an SQL factory for DB2 databases.
DB2SQLGeneratorImpl Default implementation of an SQL generator for DB2 schemas.
DB2TableImpl Default implementation of a table in a DB2 database.
PageSize A DB2 page size is limited to certain values.
TableSpace.Type A DB2 TableSpace type.
TableSpaceImpl Default implementation of a DB2 tablespace.

Package net.sf.jaxme.sqls.db2 Description

DB2 support for the SQL generator

This package contains some classes and interfaces enhancing the SQL generator with DB2 specific features. In particular, these classes enable you to create buffer pools and table spaces.

The DB2 support works by instantiating a different SQLFactory: By default, you would enable SQLFactoryImpl. However, for DB2 support you would choose DB2SQLFactoryImpl, which is a subclass of the default factory.

Likewise, you need to replace the default implementation of the SQL generator, SQLGenerator with DB2SQLGeneratorImpl

The difference between the factories is as follows: When using the DB2 factory, you may cast your instances of SQLFactory, Schema, Table, and Column to DB2SQLFactory, DB2Schema, DB2Table, and DB2Column, respectively, and use the additional methods.