Uses of Class

Packages that use JMAnyElement

Uses of JMAnyElement in de.ispsoft.jaxme

Subclasses of JMAnyElement in de.ispsoft.jaxme
 class JMJdbcElement
          An element that can be read from or saved into a JDBC database.

Fields in de.ispsoft.jaxme declared as JMAnyElement
protected  JMAnyElement JMContentHandler.currentElement

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme that return JMAnyElement
 JMAnyElement JMManagerImpl.create()
          Creates a new, empty element.
 JMAnyElement JMManager.create()
          Creates a new, empty element.
protected  JMAnyElement JMContentHandler.newResultNode(java.lang.String pNamespaceURI, java.lang.String pLocalName)

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme with parameters of type JMAnyElement
protected  java.lang.String XmlDbManager.getId(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Returns the elements ID.
 void XmlDbManager.delete(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Deletes the given document from the database.
 void XmlDbManager.insert(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Inserts the given document into the database.
 void XmlDbManager.update(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Updates the given document in the database.
 void JMManagerImpl.toSAX(JMAnyElement pElement, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler pContentHandler)
          Serializes an element to a SAX ContentHandler using the configured prefix settings.
 void JMManagerImpl.toWriter(JMAnyElement pElement, pWriter)
          Serializes an element to a SAX ContentHandler using the configured prefix settings.
 java.lang.String JMManagerImpl.toXML(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Serializes an element to a String using the configured prefix settings.
 void JMManagerImpl.delete(JMAnyElement pElement)
 void JMManagerImpl.update(JMAnyElement pElement)
 void JMManagerImpl.insert(JMAnyElement pElement)
 void JMManager.insert(JMAnyElement element)
          Inserts the given document into the database.
 void JMManager.update(JMAnyElement element)
          Updates the given document in the database.
 void JMManager.delete(JMAnyElement element)
          Deletes the given document from the database.
protected  void JMJdbcManager.newPrimaryKey(java.sql.Connection pConn, JMAnyElement pElement)
          Creates a new primary key for the element.
 void JMJdbcManager.insert(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Calls newPrimaryKey() and inserts the given element into the database.
 void JMJdbcManager.update(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Inserts the given element into the database.
 void JMJdbcManager.delete(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Deletes the given element in the database.
 void JMFileManager.insert(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Inserts the given element into the file.
 void JMFileManager.insert(java.lang.String pFileName, JMAnyElement pElement)
          Inserts the given element into the given file.
 void JMFileManager.update(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Updates the file with the contents of the given element.
 void JMFileManager.update(java.lang.String pFileName, JMAnyElement pElement)
          Updates the given file with the contents of the given element.
 void JMFileManager.delete(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Not implemented, throws a SAXException.

Uses of JMAnyElement in de.ispsoft.jaxme.tamino

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme.tamino with parameters of type JMAnyElement
protected  java.lang.String InoManager.getElementId(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Returns the element ID.
protected  void InoManager.setElementId(JMAnyElement pElement, java.lang.String pId)
          After an insert, sets the elements ID.
protected  java.lang.String InoManager.getDeleteQuery(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Returns a query suited for deleting the element.
protected  java.lang.String InoManager.getUpdateQuery(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Returns a query suited for updating the element.
protected  java.lang.String InoManager.getInsertQuery(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Returns a query suited for inserting the element.
 void InoManager.delete(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Deletes the given document from the database.
 void InoManager.insert(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Inserts the given document into the database.
 void InoManager.update(JMAnyElement pElement)
          Updates the given document in the database.