Package de.ispsoft.jaxme

Interface Summary
JMManager A Manager is responsible for reading, inserting, updating and deleting documents.
JMManagerFactory A factory for access to the various JMManager instances.
JMNode An interface for various type of XML contents.
ObservedHandler An extension of the org.xml.sax.ContentHandler that allows to retrieve a parsed result.
Observer A simple interface for notification.
Parselet A Parselet can serialize an element or attribute into a character stream.

Class Summary
ComparatorFactory A superclass for Comparator factories, as created by the ComparatorWriter.
DOMSerializer Serializes a DOM document by firing off a stream of SAX events.
FilterContentHandler This is a ContentHandler that fires SAX events it receives into a second ContentHandler, the parent handler.
JMAnyElement An implementation for an abstract element.
JMAtomicContentHandler A SAX parser reading a single, atomic element.
JMAttribute An implementation of an attribute.
JMContentHandler A SAX ContentHandler that reads an XML document.
JMEntity An implementation of a skipped entity.
JMFactory Defines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a JMManagerFactory to work with XML documents.
JMFileManager Although the name suggests different, this is not a true JMManager, but just a set of shortcuts that simplify reading from and writing to files.
JMJdbcDataSourceManager A subclass of the JMJdbcManager that uses a JDBC DataSource rather to obtain a connection and not the DriverManager.
JMJdbcElement An element that can be read from or saved into a JDBC database.
JMJdbcManager A Manager implementation for XML documents read from or written to an SQL database.
JMManagerFactoryImpl A default implementation for a JMManagerFactory.
JMManagerFactoryLIImpl This is an alternative implementation for a JMManagerFactory.
JMManagerImpl A default implementation for managers.
JMPI An implementation of a processing instruction.
NamespaceSupport Similar to org.xml.sax.NamespaceSupport, but optimized for frequent use.
ObservedHandlerImpl A default implementation for an ObservedHandler.
UriName A class that allows to use the combination of namespace URI and local name as a Map key.
XmlDbManager An implementation of a JMManager for a Tamino database.
XMLSerializer A simple serializer for XML documents.

Exception Summary
ValidationException This exception is thrown to indicate invalid XML data.