Class XsGAttrDeclsImpl

  extended bynet.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl.XsGAttrDeclsImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XsGAttrDeclsImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements XsGAttrDecls

Implementation of xs:attrDecls, with the following specification:

  <xs:group name="attrDecls">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="attribute" type="xs:attribute"/>
        <xs:element name="attributeGroup" type="xs:attributeGroupRef"/>
      <xs:element ref="xs:anyAttribute" minOccurs="0"/>

Jochen Wiedmann

Constructor Summary
protected XsGAttrDeclsImpl(XsObject pOwner)
Method Summary
protected  void addChild(java.lang.Object o)
 XsTWildcard createAnyAttribute()
          Creates a new instance of XsTWildcard.
 XsTAttribute createAttribute()
          Creates a new instance of XsTAttribute.
 XsTAttributeGroupRef createAttributeGroup()
          Creates a new instance of XsTAttributeGroup.
 java.lang.Object[] getAllAttributes()
          Returns all objects created by createAttribute(), createAttributeGroup(), or createAnyAttribute(), in the order of the corresponding method calls.
 XsTWildcard getAnyAttribute()
          Returns the instance created by createAnyAttribute(), or null, if the method wasn't called.
 XsTAttributeGroupRef[] getAttributeGroups()
          Returns an array of all attribute groups created by createAttributeGroup();
 XsTAttribute[] getAttributes()
          Returns an array of all attributes created by createAttribute().
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected XsGAttrDeclsImpl(XsObject pOwner)
Method Detail


protected void addChild(java.lang.Object o)


public XsTAttribute createAttribute()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Creates a new instance of XsTAttribute.

Specified by:
createAttribute in interface XsGAttrDecls


public XsTAttribute[] getAttributes()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Returns an array of all attributes created by XsGAttrDecls.createAttribute().

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface XsGAttrDecls


public XsTAttributeGroupRef createAttributeGroup()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Creates a new instance of XsTAttributeGroup.

Specified by:
createAttributeGroup in interface XsGAttrDecls


public XsTAttributeGroupRef[] getAttributeGroups()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Returns an array of all attribute groups created by XsGAttrDecls.createAttributeGroup();

Specified by:
getAttributeGroups in interface XsGAttrDecls


public XsTWildcard createAnyAttribute()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Creates a new instance of XsTWildcard.

Specified by:
createAnyAttribute in interface XsGAttrDecls


public XsTWildcard getAnyAttribute()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Returns the instance created by XsGAttrDecls.createAnyAttribute(), or null, if the method wasn't called.

Specified by:
getAnyAttribute in interface XsGAttrDecls


public java.lang.Object[] getAllAttributes()
Description copied from interface: XsGAttrDecls

Returns all objects created by XsGAttrDecls.createAttribute(), XsGAttrDecls.createAttributeGroup(), or XsGAttrDecls.createAnyAttribute(), in the order of the corresponding method calls.

Specified by:
getAllAttributes in interface XsGAttrDecls