Interface XsGAttrDecls

All Known Subinterfaces:
XsGComplexTypeModel, XsTAttributeGroup, XsTComplexRestrictionType, XsTComplexType, XsTExtensionType, XsTLocalComplexType, XsTRestrictionType, XsTSimpleExtensionType, XsTSimpleRestrictionType, XsTTopLevelComplexType
All Known Implementing Classes:
XsGAttrDeclsImpl, XsGComplexTypeModelImpl, XsTAttributeGroupImpl, XsTComplexRestrictionTypeImpl, XsTComplexTypeImpl, XsTExtensionTypeImpl, XsTLocalComplexTypeImpl, XsTRestrictionTypeImpl, XsTSimpleExtensionTypeImpl, XsTSimpleRestrictionTypeImpl, XsTTopLevelComplexTypeImpl

public interface XsGAttrDecls

Interface of xs:attrDecls, with the following specification:

  <xs:group name="attrDecls">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="attribute" type="xs:attribute"/>
        <xs:element name="attributeGroup" type="xs:attributeGroupRef"/>
      <xs:element ref="xs:anyAttribute" minOccurs="0"/>

Jochen Wiedmann

Method Summary
 XsTWildcard createAnyAttribute()
          Creates a new instance of XsTWildcard.
 XsTAttribute createAttribute()
          Creates a new instance of XsTAttribute.
 XsTAttributeGroupRef createAttributeGroup()
          Creates a new instance of XsTAttributeGroup.
 java.lang.Object[] getAllAttributes()
          Returns all objects created by createAttribute(), createAttributeGroup(), or createAnyAttribute(), in the order of the corresponding method calls.
 XsTWildcard getAnyAttribute()
          Returns the instance created by createAnyAttribute(), or null, if the method wasn't called.
 XsTAttributeGroupRef[] getAttributeGroups()
          Returns an array of all attribute groups created by createAttributeGroup();
 XsTAttribute[] getAttributes()
          Returns an array of all attributes created by createAttribute().

Method Detail


public XsTAttribute createAttribute()

Creates a new instance of XsTAttribute.


public XsTAttribute[] getAttributes()

Returns an array of all attributes created by createAttribute().


public XsTAttributeGroupRef createAttributeGroup()

Creates a new instance of XsTAttributeGroup.


public XsTAttributeGroupRef[] getAttributeGroups()

Returns an array of all attribute groups created by createAttributeGroup();


public XsTWildcard createAnyAttribute()

Creates a new instance of XsTWildcard.


public XsTWildcard getAnyAttribute()

Returns the instance created by createAnyAttribute(), or null, if the method wasn't called.


public java.lang.Object[] getAllAttributes()

Returns all objects created by createAttribute(), createAttributeGroup(), or createAnyAttribute(), in the order of the corresponding method calls.