Interface CombinedConstraint

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public interface CombinedConstraint
extends Constraint

Jochen Wiedmann

Nested Class Summary
static interface CombinedConstraint.Type
Method Summary
 void addColumnSetQuery(ColumnSet pSet, TableReference pTableReference)
          Adds a check for the columns of the given column set.
 void addConstraint(java.util.Map pMap, Constraint pConstraint)
          Clones the given CombinedConstraint, mapping the column references from the given constraint to the values in the given map.
 void addJoin(ForeignKey pKey, TableReference pReferencingTable, TableReference pReferencedTable)
          Creates a JOIN condition matching the given foreign key.
 void addJoin(TableReference pReferencingTable, ColumnSet pReferencingColumnSet, TableReference pReferencedTable, ColumnSet pReferencedColumnSet)
          Creates a JOIN condition matching the given column reference.
 CombinedConstraint createAndConstraint()
          Creates an AndConstraint and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createEQ()
          Creates a condition "equals" (=) and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createGE()
          Creates a condition "greater or equals" (>=) and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createGT()
          Creates a condition "greater than" (<) and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createIN()
          Creates a condition "IN" and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createISNULL()
          Creates a condition "IS NULL" and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createLE()
          Creates a condition "lower or equals" (<=) and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createLIKE()
          Creates a condition "LIKE" and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createLT()
          Creates a condition "lower than" (<) and inserts it at the current position.
 BooleanConstraint createNE()
          Creates a condition "doesn't equal" (!
 CombinedConstraint createOrConstraint()
          Creates an OrConstraint and inserts it at the current position.
 int getNumParts()
          Returns the number of parts, that have been added with the various createSomething() methods.
 java.util.Iterator getParts()
          Returns an Iterator to the parts, that have been added with the various createSomething() methods.
 CombinedConstraint.Type getType()
          Returns the type, either of CombinedConstraint.Type.AND or CombinedConstraint.Type.OR.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jaxme.sqls.Constraint

Method Detail


public CombinedConstraint.Type getType()

Returns the type, either of CombinedConstraint.Type.AND or CombinedConstraint.Type.OR.


public CombinedConstraint createAndConstraint()

Creates an AndConstraint and inserts it at the current position.


public CombinedConstraint createOrConstraint()

Creates an OrConstraint and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createEQ()

Creates a condition "equals" (=) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createNE()

Creates a condition "doesn't equal" (!=) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createLT()

Creates a condition "lower than" (<) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createGT()

Creates a condition "greater than" (<) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createLE()

Creates a condition "lower or equals" (<=) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createGE()

Creates a condition "greater or equals" (>=) and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createLIKE()

Creates a condition "LIKE" and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createISNULL()

Creates a condition "IS NULL" and inserts it at the current position.


public BooleanConstraint createIN()

Creates a condition "IN" and inserts it at the current position.


public void addJoin(ForeignKey pKey,
                    TableReference pReferencingTable,
                    TableReference pReferencedTable)

Creates a JOIN condition matching the given foreign key. In other words, if the foreign key consists of the columns A and B referencing the columns X and Y, then the following will be added: A=X AND B=Y.

pKey - The foreign key being matched.
pReferencingTable - A reference to the table returned by the foreign keys ColumnSet.getTable() method.
pReferencedTable - A reference to the table returned by the foreign keys ForeignKey.getReferencedTable() method.


public void addJoin(TableReference pReferencingTable,
                    ColumnSet pReferencingColumnSet,
                    TableReference pReferencedTable,
                    ColumnSet pReferencedColumnSet)

Creates a JOIN condition matching the given column reference. In other words, if the referencing ColumnSet contains the columns A and B, and the referenced column set contains ColumnSet, X and Y, then the following will be added: A=X AND B=Y.


public void addConstraint(java.util.Map pMap,
                          Constraint pConstraint)

Clones the given CombinedConstraint, mapping the column references from the given constraint to the values in the given map.

pMap - A Map with the constraints pConstraint table references as keys. The values are table references of the current constraints statement.
pConstraint - The constraint being cloned.


public void addColumnSetQuery(ColumnSet pSet,
                              TableReference pTableReference)

Adds a check for the columns of the given column set. For example, if the column set consists of the columns A and B, then the following will be added: A=? AND B=?.


public int getNumParts()

Returns the number of parts, that have been added with the various createSomething() methods.


public java.util.Iterator getParts()

Returns an Iterator to the parts, that have been added with the various createSomething() methods.