Uses of Interface

Packages that use SourceWriter

Uses of SourceWriter in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator

Classes in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator that implement SourceWriter
 class BeanWriter
           A subclass of the JavaSourceGenerator which generates EJB Entity beans with bean managed persistence.
 class ComparatorWriter
          This is a SourceWriter that generates a Comparator for sorting a JaxMe element by its various attributes and/or child elements.
 class DebugWriter
          A SourceWriter that emits a structure tree on System.out.
 class JavaSourceWriter
          This class generates the actual Java sources for the Java/XML binding.
 class JdbcJavaSourceWriter
          This class generates the actual Java sources for the Java/XML binding with JDBC mapping.
 class SampleWriter
          The SampleWriter creates sample instances matching the specified XML schema.
 class SourceWriterImpl
          A base class for implementing SourceWriters.
 class XsdSchemaWriter
          Saves the schema into an XML Schema file.

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator with parameters of type SourceWriter
 void Generator.addSourceWriter(SourceWriter pWriter)
          Adds a SourceWriter to the end of the list of registered SourceWriters.

Uses of SourceWriter in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.ant

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.ant that return SourceWriter
 SourceWriter SourceWriterType.getSourceWriter()
          Returns an instance of the specified SourceWriter class.

Uses of SourceWriter in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.decorators

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.decorators that return SourceWriter
protected  SourceWriter ElementDecoratorFactoryImpl.newSourceWriter(Schema pSchema, ParserData pParserData, org.w3c.dom.Element pSchemaNode, org.w3c.dom.Element pSourceWriterNode)
          Creates, configures and returns a new SourceWriter, based on the decorator declaration returned by getDecoratorDeclaration().
 SourceWriter ElementDecoratorFactoryImpl.getSourceWriter(Schema pSchema, ParserData pParserData, org.w3c.dom.Element pSchemaNode)
          Called for creating a SourceWriter.
 SourceWriter ElementDecoratorFactory.getSourceWriter(Schema pSchema, ParserData pParserData, org.w3c.dom.Element pSchemaNode)
          Called for creating a SourceWriter.

Uses of SourceWriter in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.parselets

Classes in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.parselets that implement SourceWriter
 class ParseletWriter
          Generates source code for working with Parselets.

Methods in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.parselets that return SourceWriter
 SourceWriter SimpleParseletDecoratorFactory.getSourceWriter(Schema pSchema, ParserData pParserData, org.w3c.dom.Element pElement)
          Called for creating a SourceWriter.
 SourceWriter ParseletDecoratorFactory.getSourceWriter(Schema pSchema, ParserData pParserData, org.w3c.dom.Element pSchemaNode)
          Called for creating a SourceWriter.

Uses of SourceWriter in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.visitors

Classes in de.ispsoft.jaxme.generator.visitors that implement SourceWriter
 class VisitorWriter
          A SourceWriter for creating visitors.