Uses of Interface

Packages that use XsESchema

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs that return XsESchema
 XsESchema XSParser.parseSyntax(org.xml.sax.InputSource pSource)
          Parses the given XML schema. and returns a syntactical representation.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs with parameters of type XsESchema
 XSSchema XSObjectFactory.newXSSchema(XSContext pContext, XsESchema pSchema)
          Returns a new instance of XSSchema.

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl that return XsESchema
protected  XsESchema XSSchemaImpl.getXsESchema()
protected  XsESchema XSLogicalParser.parseSyntax(org.xml.sax.InputSource pSource)
 XsESchema[] XSLogicalParser.getSyntaxSchemas()
          Provides context information to the schema which is currently being parsed.
 XsESchema XSLogicalParser.getCurrentSyntaxSchema()
          Returns the syntax schema, which is currently being parsed.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl with parameters of type XsESchema
 XSSchema XSObjectFactoryImpl.newXSSchema(XSContext pContext, XsESchema pSchema)
protected  void XSLogicalParser.redefine(XsESchema pSyntaxSchema, XsERedefine pRedefine, XsRedefinable pChild)
          Redefines the given XsRedefinable.
protected  void XSLogicalParser.add(XsESchema pSyntaxSchema, java.lang.Object pChild)
          Adds the given object to the schema.
protected  void XSLogicalParser.redefineSchema(XsESchema pRedefiningSchema, XsERedefine pRedefine)
          Handles xs:refefine.
protected  void XSLogicalParser.includeSchema(XsESchema pIncludingSchema, XsEInclude pInclude)
          Handles xs:include.
protected  void XSLogicalParser.importSchema(XsESchema pImportingSchema, XsEImport pImport)
          Handles xs:import.
protected  void XSLogicalParser.parse(XsESchema pSyntaxSchema)
          Parses the given InputSource syntactically and converts the objects that it finds into logical objects.

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl with parameters of type XsESchema
XSSchemaImpl(XSContext pContext, XsESchema pSchema)

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb

Subinterfaces of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb
 interface JAXBXsSchema
          Syntactical representation of a JAXB schema.

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb.impl

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb.impl that implement XsESchema
 class JAXBXsSchemaImpl

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb.impl that return XsESchema
 XsESchema JAXBXsObjectFactoryImpl.newXsESchema()

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb.impl with parameters of type XsESchema
 XSSchema JAXBObjectFactoryImpl.newXSSchema(XSContext pContext, XsESchema pSchema)

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.xs.jaxb.impl with parameters of type XsESchema
JAXBSchemaImpl(XSContext pContext, XsESchema pSchema)
          Creates a new instance of JAXBSchemaImpl.

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml that return XsESchema
 XsESchema XsObjectFactory.newXsESchema()
 XsESchema XsObject.getXsESchema()
          Returns the objects syntactical schema.

Uses of XsESchema in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl that implement XsESchema
 class XsESchemaImpl
          Implementation of xs:schema.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl that return XsESchema
 XsESchema XsObjectImpl.getXsESchema()
 XsESchema XsObjectFactoryImpl.newXsESchema()