Uses of Interface

Packages that use XsEAny

Uses of XsEAny in net.sf.jaxme.xs

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs with parameters of type XsEAny
 XSAny XSObjectFactory.newXSAny(XSObject pParent, XsEAny pAny)
          Returns a new instance of XSAny.

Uses of XsEAny in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl with parameters of type XsEAny
 XSAny XSObjectFactoryImpl.newXSAny(XSObject pParent, XsEAny pAny)

Constructors in net.sf.jaxme.xs.impl with parameters of type XsEAny
XSAnyImpl(XSObject pParent, XsEAny pBaseObject)

Uses of XsEAny in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml that return XsEAny
 XsEAny XsTSimpleExplicitGroup.createAny()
 XsEAny XsObjectFactory.newXsEAny(XsObject pParent)
 XsEAny XsGParticle.createAny()

Uses of XsEAny in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl

Classes in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl that implement XsEAny
 class XsEAnyImpl
          Implementation of the xs:any element, as specified by the following: <xs:element name="any" id="any"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source=""/> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="xs:wildcard"> <xs:attributeGroup ref="xs:occurs"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl that return XsEAny
 XsEAny XsTSimpleExplicitGroupImpl.createAny()
 XsEAny XsTRealGroupImpl.createAny()
 XsEAny XsTGroupImpl.createAny()
 XsEAny XsTAllImpl.createAny()
 XsEAny XsObjectFactoryImpl.newXsEAny(XsObject pParent)
 XsEAny XsGParticleImpl.createAny()