Interface JAXBSchema

All Superinterfaces:
XSObject, XSSchema
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JAXBSchema
extends XSSchema

Interface of a JAXB schema. It inherits the methods of JAXBGlobalBindings.

Jochen Wiedmann

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getJaxbExtensionBindingPrefixes()
          Returns the schemas jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes list.
 JAXBGlobalBindings getJAXBGlobalBindings()
          Returns the schemas globalBindings.
 java.lang.String getJaxbVersion()
          Returns the schemas jaxb:version attribute.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jaxme.xs.XSSchema
add, add, add, add, add, add, add, getAnnotations, getAttribute, getAttributeGroup, getAttributeGroups, getAttributes, getBuiltinTypes, getChilds, getContext, getElement, getElements, getGroup, getGroups, getType, getTypes, getXSObjectFactory, redefine, redefine, redefine
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jaxme.xs.XSObject
getLocator, getParentObject, getXSSchema, isTopLevelObject, validate

Method Detail


public JAXBGlobalBindings getJAXBGlobalBindings()

Returns the schemas globalBindings. This is guaranteed to be non-null.


public java.lang.String getJaxbVersion()

Returns the schemas jaxb:version attribute.


public java.lang.String[] getJaxbExtensionBindingPrefixes()

Returns the schemas jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes list.