Package net.sf.jaxme.logging

The logging framework This package provides a minimal logging framework.


Interface Summary
Logger The Logger interface describes an object which is able to log a message.
LoggerFactory The LoggerFactory is responsible for creating Logger instances.

Class Summary
AntProjectLoggerFactory A LoggerFactory logging via an Ant project.
JavaUtilLoggerFactory An logger factory creating instances of JavaUtilLogger.
Log4jLoggerFactory An logger factory creating instances of JavaUtilLogger.
LoggerAccess This class implements access to the Loggers through static methods.
LoggerFactoryImpl Default implementation of a LoggerFactory.
LoggerImpl Base implementation of a Logger.
PrintStreamLogger A Logger implementation writing to an instance of PrintStream.
PrintWriterLogger A Logger implementation writing to an instance of PrintWriter.

Package net.sf.jaxme.logging Description

The logging framework

This package provides a minimal logging framework. The approach is simplistic and designed for reuse of existing other frameworks. In particular, log4j and the java.util.logging package are being supported. So is logging to System.err.

Logging works by obtaining a Logger. The Logger is an implementation of Logger.īTo get a Logger, use the LoggerFactory. Available implementations of Logger use the log4j framework, the Java logging framework, or System.err. To choose a certain Logger, use the system property net.sf.jaxme.logging.LoggerFactory or the resource META-INF/services/net.sf.jaxme.logging.LoggerFactory. If neither is present, a default implementation will be created.