Uses of Class

Packages that use JavaSource
net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern The pattern package This package contains a set of design patterns implemented with the JaxMe JavaSource generator framework.  

Uses of JavaSource in net.sf.jaxme.js

Subclasses of JavaSource in net.sf.jaxme.js
 class JavaInnerClass
          Implements an inner class.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js that return JavaSource
 JavaSource JavaSourceObject.getJavaSource()
 JavaSource JavaSourceFactory.newJavaSource(JavaQName pName)
          Creates a new instance of JavaSource with the given name and default protection.
 JavaSource JavaSourceFactory.newJavaSource(JavaQName pName, JavaSource.Protection pProtection)
          Creates a new instance of JavaSource with the given name and protection.
 JavaSource JavaSourceFactory.newJavaSource(JavaQName pName, java.lang.String pProtection)
          Creates a new instance of JavaSource with the given name and protection.
 JavaSource JavaSourceFactory.getJavaSource(JavaQName pName)
          Returns the generated class with the given name or null, if no such class has been generated.
 JavaSource JavaInnerClass.getOuterClass()
          Returns the outer JavaSource instance.

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js with parameters of type JavaSource
protected  void JavaSourceObject.setJavaSource(JavaSource pSource)
    JavaSourceFactory.getLocation( pBaseDir, JavaSource pJs)
          Returns a location for storing the JavaSource class, relative to the given base directory.
protected  boolean JavaSourceFactory.isSameFile(JavaSource pJs, pFile)
          Verifies whether the given Java source and the contents of the given file are identical.
protected  void JavaSourceFactory.writeFile( pFile, JavaSource pJs)
          Actually creates a file with the given name.
 void JavaSourceFactory.write( pBaseDir, JavaSource pJs)
          Writes the given JavaSource class to the file system, relative to the given base directory.

Uses of JavaSource in net.sf.jaxme.js.junit

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.junit that return JavaSource
 JavaSource BasicTest.getSource(JavaSource.Protection pProtection)

Uses of JavaSource in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern that return JavaSource
 JavaSource TypesafeEnumerationGenerator.generate(JavaSourceFactory pFactory, JavaQName pTargetClass, TypesafeEnumerationGenerator.Item[] pItems)
          Generates a new typesafe enumeration.
protected  JavaSource ProxyGenerator.getJavaSource(JavaSourceFactory pFactory, JavaQName pTargetName)
          Creates the class.
 JavaSource ProxyGenerator.generate(JavaSourceFactory pFactory, JavaQName pTargetName, ProxyGenerator.InterfaceDescription[] pInterfaces)
          Generates a class implementing the given interfaces.
 JavaSource[] ChainGenerator.generate(JavaSourceFactory pFactory)

Methods in net.sf.jaxme.js.pattern with parameters of type JavaSource
protected  void VersionGenerator.initLogging(JavaSource pSource)
          Creates the code for initialization of the logging framework.
protected  JavaInnerClass VersionGenerator.getCacheDataClass(JavaSource pSource)
          Generates the innner class CacheData.
protected  JavaMethod VersionGenerator.getInsertRowMethod(JavaSource pSource, VersionGenerator.TableInfo pTableInfo)
          Creates a method for cloning one row from the given table.
protected  JavaMethod VersionGenerator.getInnerInsertRowMethod(JavaSource pSource, VersionGenerator.TableInfo pTableInfo)
          Creates a method for cloning one row from the given table.
protected  JavaMethod VersionGenerator.getPublicCloneMethod(JavaSource pSource)
          Actually creates the public "clone" method.
 JavaMethod VersionGenerator.getCloneMethod(JavaSource pSource)
          Creates a method for updating one row in the head table.
 JavaInnerClass TypesafeEnumerationGenerator.generate(JavaSource pSource, java.lang.String pName, TypesafeEnumerationGenerator.Item[] pItems)
          Generates a new typesafe enumeration, which is an inner class of the class pSource.
protected  JavaMethod ProxyGenerator.getInterfaceMethod(JavaSource pJs, ProxyGenerator.InterfaceDescription pInterfaceDescription, java.lang.reflect.Method pMethod)
          Generated an instance of JavaMethod for the given ProxyGenerator.GeneratedMethod.
protected  void ProxyGenerator.generateInterfaceMethods(JavaSource pJs, java.util.Map pGeneratedMethods, ProxyGenerator.InterfaceDescription pDescription)
          Generates the methods for a given interface.
protected  JavaConstructor ProxyGenerator.getConstructor(JavaSource pJs, ProxyGenerator.InterfaceDescription[] pInterfaces)
          Creates a constructor with protected access and a single argument, the backing object.
protected  JavaField ProxyGenerator.getBackingObjectField(JavaSource pJs, ProxyGenerator.InterfaceDescription[] pInterfaces)
          Generates the backingObject field.