JaxMeXS mainly consists of three parts: A generic parser, which is by no means restricted to XML schema, a syntax parser, which is is dedicated to the syntactical aspects of XML schema, and a structure parser, which understands the logic. Extending JaxMeXS will always imply extending the syntax parser. In the most cases this will even be sufficient: Who's interested in creating a language as complex as XML schema?
The syntax parser is an application of the generic parser. This means, that it converts any element in the XML schema into a Java bean. The attributes and elements are mapped to bean properties. Attributes have simple values like strings or integers, but a child element is yet another bean. In what follows, we'll discuss the following aspects:
To use the syntax parser, instantiate the class
XSParser and invoke its
method, for example like this:
import java.io.FileInputStream; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.XSParser: public class MyParser { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(args[0]); InputSource is = new InputSource(fs); is.setSystemId(fs.toURL().toString()); // This is important, if you use a DTD, // external entities, schema validation, ... // in other words: Other files XSParser parser = new XSParser(); XsESchema schema = parser.parseSyntax(is); } }That's it! The returned instance of XsESchema is a standard schema with methods like
or getChilds()
For example, the list of global types can be retrieved as follows:
Object[] childs = schema.getChilds(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { Object o = childs[i]; if (o instanceof XsETopLevelSimpleType) { XsETopLevelSimpleType t = (XsETopLevelSimpleType) o; System.out.println("Simple type: " + t.getName()); } else if (o instanceof XsTComplexType) { XsTComplexType t = (XsTComplexType) o; System.out.println("Complex type: " + t.getName()); } }This is not very comfortable, but the intent of the syntax parser is simplicity, and not comfort.
The beans returned by the schema parser are instances of
implementing the interface
The XsObject
interface allows access to the SAX location.
Any of the standard XML schema beans is created by the object factory.
For example, the method newXSESchema()
is invoked to create
the schema bean. We take this bean as an example and change the behaviour
of its attribute targetNamespace
. For compatibility reasons
we want to replace the namespace http://company.com/namespaces/version1
with http://company.com/namespaces/version2. To achieve that,
we have to create three classes:
method,import org.xml.sax.Locator; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.XsObjectFactory; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl.XsESchemaImpl; public class MySchema extends XsESchemaImpl { protected MySchema(XsObjectFactory pFactory, Locator pLocator) { super(pFactory, pLocator); } public void setTargetNamespace(XsAnyURI pURI) { if (pURI.equals("http://company.com/namespaces/version1")) { pURI = "http://company.com/namespaces/version2"; } super.setTargetNamespace(pURI); } }
Neat, isn't it? Now, here's the object factory:
import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.XsESchema; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl.XsObjectFactoryImpl; public class MyXsObjectFactory extends XsObjectFactoryImpl { public XsESchema newXsESchema() { return new MySchema(this, getLocator()); } }
You probably already guess how the parser looks like:
import net.sf.jaxme.xs.XSParser; public class MyParser extends XSParser { public MyParser() { getData().setXsObjectFactory(new MyXsObjectFactory()); } }Now we have a parser, which does no longer distinguish between http://company.com/namespaces/version2 and http://company.com/namespaces/version1 in the target namespace.
We already know how to extend the parser.This knowledge will be applied in the following example: We'll have an an additional attribute "ignore" in the element definition. It ought to have a boolean value. (For example, the attribute might indicate that a custom program should ignore the element.)
The attribute is introduced by adding a property "ignore" to the "element" bean. This might look like this:
import org.xml.sax.Locator; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.XsObjectFactory; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.xml.impl.XsTElementImpl; public class MyElement extends XsTElementImpl { private boolean ignoreMe; protected MyElement(XsObjectFactory pFactory, Locator pLocator) { super(pFactory, pLocator); } public void setIgnore(boolean pIgnore) { ignoreMe = pIgnore; } public boolean getIgnore() { return ignoreMe; } }We are not yet done. As we are using an own bean, we have to extend the object factory to return this bean, if the method
is invoked. We also have to extend
the parser to use the extended object factory. These steps have already
been described in the previous section.
What we did in the previous section on adding attributes, wasn't really conforming to XML Schema. Our attribute had the default namespace, as the standard XML Schema attributes do. Any other namespace had been a better choice. XML Schema allows to include arbitrary attributes into a schema, as long as they do not have the XML schema namespace. Surprisingly, the default namespace isn't implicitly forbidden. Anyways, such behaviour cannot be recommended.
To support attributes from other namespaces, we'll have to add another method to our bean. The method is called
public boolean setAttribute(String pQName, String pNamespaceURI, String pLocalName, String pValue) throws SAXException;The boolean return value allows the method a decision to handle an attribute (for example, if it is defined in a particular additional namespace) by returning
or to leave the attribute
to the standard mechanisms by returning false
. A typical
implementation might look like this:
if (!"http://company.com/namespaces/mynamespace".equals(pNamespaceURI)) { return false; } if ("ignore".equals(pLocalName)) { setIgnore(Boolean.valueOf(pValue).booleanValue()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid attribute: " + pValue); } }The meaning is obvious: We feel responsible for the namespace http://company.com/namespaces/mynamespace. If the attributes namespace is different, we simply return false. If the namespace matches, we accept the attribute "ignore", and refuse all others by throwing an
The choice of IllegalStateException
seems unlucky. Why
not a SAXException
? The answer is, that we want the parser to do the
actual exception handling. By throwing an instance of RuntimeException
we say: "Take the message and create an instance of SAXParseException
with file name, line and column number." This is what the user typically wants to
see. A SAXException
would be left alone by the parser.
The handling of new child elements is somewhat more complicated. There is a simple possibility and a more complex one.
The simple possibility is to create a new bean, as in the following example:
MyChildBean childBean; public MyChildBean createMyChild() { if (childBean != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple 'myChild' elements are forbidden."); } childBean = new MyChildBean(); } public MyChildBean getMyChild() { return childBean; }This code is added to the parent bean. For example, if we want to have a new element
, we could create a new subclass of
XsESchemaImpl with
the above code. By extending the object factory to use our updated schema bean
and extending the parser to use our private object factory, we would be done.
(The latter steps are as in the first example section on
using our own beans.)
There are two possible reasons, why the above code might be insufficient: First of all, the example obviously doesn't care for namespaces. Second, there's a chance that we do not want to create a simple bean. For example, the standard behaviour of XsEAppinfo is to convert child elements into DOM documents.
Both becomes possible by the following example:import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import net.sf.jaxme.xs.parser.impl.XsSAXParserImpl; MyChildBean childBean; public ContentHandler getChildHandler(String pQName, String pNamespaceURI, String pLocalName) throws SAXException { if (!"http://company.com/namespaces/mynamespace".equals(pNamespaceURI)) { return null; } if ("myChild".equals(pLocalName)) { if (childBean != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple 'myChild' child elements are forbidden."); } childBean = new MyChildBean(); return new XsSAXParserImpl(childBean); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown child element: " + pQName); } } public MyChildBean getMyChild() { return childBean; }Besides the different namespace, the example is functionally equivalent to the former example.
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