If you are interested in JaxMeXS, you may also want to take a look at the following Open Source projects:
JaxMe 1 a Java/XML binding framework. It takes as input an XML schema and writes Java classes that can convert conforming documents into Java objects, or vice versa, serialize such objects as XML. JaxMe 1 includes an integrated persistency framework that allows to read the objects from or write them into the database. The persistence framework includes support for JDBC mapping, XML:DB, the Tamino XML database, and EJB.
JaxMe 2 is the successor of JaxMe and currently available as an alpha release only. This is opposed to JaxMe 1, which is mature and stable. JaxMeXS is written specifically with JaxMe 2 in mind, because the latter will be based on it.
JaxMe 2 is designed to become a fully compliant implementation of JAXB, the standard specification for Java/XML bindings. This implies in particular, that it will support the most important features of XML schema, such as groups, typesafe enumerations, extensions, restrictions, and so on. Again, this is opposed to JaxMe 1, which supports mainly sequences and choices. Once the XML part of JaxMe 2 is reasonably stable, it will inherit its predecessors persistency framework. (This is mainly a question of porting.)
JaxMeJS, the JaxMe Java source framework is a generic framework for writing Java source generators. It used to be a part of JaxMe 1, but grew up to be useful in itself and finally was moved to a separate distribution. JaxMe 2 is still based on the latest version, which also includes an SQL generator.
DrMem is a simple Java heap profiler and very useful for debugging memory leaks.
eXist is a native XML database engine written in Java. It can be used standalone (via a dedicated TCP port), as part of a servlet engine (accessible via HTTP), or embedded into a Java application. This last approach is particularly useful for JUnit testing. JaxMe 1 uses eXist for testing its xml:db API.
Hsqldb is an SQL database and also written in Java. Like eXist, it can be used in embedded mode and it is also used by JaxMe 1, JaxMe 2, and JaxMeJS for JUnit tests.
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